3 Session Loss and Grief Therapy
Loss and Grief can come in the many forms including death of a loved one, divorce or breakup, retirement, loss of a job, death of a pet, loss of health, etc. And it is unique to each person. The pain can disrupt your physical and mental health, sleep habits and difficulties with concentration. Feelings of sadness, fear, loneliness are common, and this package offers an opportunity for you to share your story and your feelings and be a support network for you.
3-Session Package for $250
Booking Steps with Insurance
Dr. Harris accepts most major insurance companies and Employee Assistant Programs (EAP), which most major insurance companies offer to clients, and provides clients with several “free sessions” (typically 3–8 sessions depending on the insurance company). Here are the Steps:
Step 1:
As a new client, you will need to contact your insurance company to find out the following info prior to your 1st session:
* You will need to receive an authorization # from your insurance company (for
counseling sessions)
* Will you have a copay to be paid each session and if so, what is the amount of your
copay (due prior to each session)
Please note: Dr. Harris will not accept same day bookings for new clients.
Booking Steps without Insurance
Dr. Harris accepts almost everyone without insurance. Here are the Steps to secure a booking:
Step 1:
As a new client, you will need to follow these steps prior to your 1st session:
*Make sure you are choosing the correct session.
Step 3: Please pay for your sessions by selecting and adding to cart.
Step 4: After Authorization by Dr. Harris, you will be directed to a booking calendar for your 1st session.